It’s NOT her most obvious distinction, That she would live …alone with her cat – It IS the lace of fiction and non-fiction, That falls into her friendly habitat.
It’s NOT her most topical ambition – To make you Godforsaken forest loose*, It IS a waft of danger and perdition, That follows her with upcountry** news.
It’s NOT the strike of bloodline benediction, That Old Souls do possess the Lore – It IS her life-long self-confided mission, Like a Blackletter Spellbook*** to explore.
It’s NOT the bliss of twilight dereliction****, That drives her to a ruin, full of spell… It IS her way to keep beyond prediction And out of the coverage, as well.
* LOOSE is so poly-semantic, that no Google will supply the correct translation. Here it’s «Бурая гниль». ** UPCOUNTRY is not about geography, it’s about mentality: «Местечковый». *** BLACKLETTER is not what Google would range, but «Готический». SPELLBOOK is «Книга Чар», usually titled as «Гримуар». **** DERELICTION, apart from today’s terms, is translated «Изгойство» or «Запустение».